Open House Raya Ke3 :)

ok.. this year open house uma aq uat pd rye ke3. yelaa. da rye ke1 and ke2 rmay cgt yg na uat open house kan. act siblings aq yg support for this open house and chef nye kak aq cndry lorr. HOHO. act kak aq yg na uat open house nie coz she want to celebrate my belated bufday. even though my bufday already past last month. SUMPAH terharu doe bl kak aq na celebrate bufday aq cmpy uat open house. coz bufday aq ta celebrate agy nan family. thats why dye uat ckli nan open house rye. haaa. na cte pcl menu for the open house lak. main food is spaghetty bolognese yg d masak cndry oleh kak aq. grrr. hbt kan dye. HIHI. then bbq ayam and sosej with coslow and mash potato and the most important  black paper and mushroom sos made by my mak mertua.. OPS ! clap lak.. made by ibu chaer, HOHO. thanks guys cpe yg dtg :)

my kekasih gelap :D pacan sumting ta ? HOHO
bufday cake, fruity cheese span cake. cndry design ot, HAHA,but still made by my sis mehh, lpe rotate ! HAHA
sakai ! mlu gle doh
HIM and abg long !!
ily sis. thanks for the party :)
membr skol lme.thanks kowg coz dtg even mcm2 dugaan kan. HAHA
last person yg dtg uma aq, HAIZ. liesa liesa..
ktowg mmg gedix ! so ? HAHA
candid~! snap by abg long
abg long sy yg cke la ngade2.. HOHO

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